Planning a surprise party sometimes backfires or the person finds out about it ahead of time. But we pulled one off quite well.
We wanted to have a surprise party for Tom and Helen who had just moved into their new home. And we were planning to have it at their house! This is what we did. We all had been invited to an ice cream social at another venue, so we made plans to pick up Tom and Helen at their new house and drive down together. I asked ahead of time if we could peek at their new house when we picked them up and Helen said that was fine. The plan was to get them away from their house and then I was to realize that I left my purse at their house we had to go back for it. By that time, all the other couples would be there with the food and everything. So, when we first got to their house, they showed us through and we were about ready to leave, I asked to use the bathroom and I put my purse in her linen closet. I didn’t want her to run across it before we left! Then about halfway to our ice cream social, I started looking around the car for my purse and complained that I had to have it. Then my husband got mad (acting) but he turned around to go back to their house. I said I wasn’t sure where I had put my purse so when we got back, we all got out of the car to go look for my purse. When we went into their house, everyone jumped out and yelled, “Surprise!.” It worked out great. They were really surprised! I had a surprise myself today! I got a review back from OnlineBookClub.org and they rated my book 5 Stars! This is some of what they had to say! "Readers receive a lot from this book. It provides words of encouragement, advice for difficult times, and tips for remaining calm in the face of adversity. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys nonfiction books. Those who are going through a difficult time should read it. This book is essential for anyone who is about to embark on a new chapter in their life. Finally, those who are recovering from one of life's blows or another should read this book." ~Online Book Club Review My life is full of fun stories … truly, an Overcoming All Odds life I have led … and I’m ready to share it with you. Grab your copy today! https://bit.ly/OvercomingAllOdds Carol Ann Wilson Overcoming All Odds caroann@carolannwilson.com www.carolannwilson.com 720-600-5134