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Always Do What Needs to be Done

Carol Ann Wilson

When I was in high school, a big school dance was coming up and I wanted to look wonderful and make an impression on the boys. But I had gained some weight, more than I wanted to admit, and I was moaning about it to my mother.

"Well,” she said, “Let’s do something about it!

We started rolling around on the living room floor and doing other exercises. I still chuckle when I think about that memory. My mother rolling around on the floor?!

Don’t you have times when you know what might improve the situation, but don’t seem to have the energy or inclination to do something about it?

What if you said to yourself, “I need to do what needs to be done”? Then if you do what you need to do, I guarantee, you will see positive results.

Carol Ann Wilson

Overcoming All Odds




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