Building Your Treasure Map

When I was going through the Abundance class with Ski Milburn back in the 70s, one of the sessions was about building our Treasure Map. We would go through old magazines to cut out pictures of what we wanted. My affirmation was: I have enough time, money, energy, and wisdom to accomplish all that I desire.
That is really a powerful affirmation! My pictures included:
- a car
- a cruise ship
- a beautiful house
- a map of Europe
- a slot machine,
- a picture of a book with my name inked in as the author
- a picture of me running the Bolder Boulder
- a picture of a stack of $100 bills
- a picture of the Eiffel Tower
- a deposit slip with $100,000 on it
- the word SUCCESS
- a beautiful watch
After making our Treasure Map, we were to show it to everyone at our next meeting and explain it in past terms. For instance, I would say, “This is my new car, and this is the book I wrote, and this is the deposit that I made last week, etc.” This is a very powerful exercise. In fact, I shivered as I was talking about my goals in past tense.
This happened back in the 1970’s. I had my Map hanging on the wall of my office and it became so familiar that I hardly ever noticed it. One day, I really looked at it and saw that the car on my map was the exact color and model that I had just bought the week before! I had not even realized it.
And you know what? Every single one of those goals came to pass!
What goals would you set for yourself if you affirmed that you have enough time, money, energy, and wisdom to accomplish all that you desire?
Carol Ann Wilson
Overcoming All Odds