Sonny and I trade winters in Longmont for three months in Arizona each year. It also means that we trade living in our 4,000 square-foot homes for 265 square feet in a motor home. What is that like? Living a minimalist lifestyle is challenging but adventuresome. For instance, I like to cook and I cook all our meals. We seldom eat out. My tiny little kitchen consists of about three square feet of counter space. But I make it work. I do a lot of crock pot meals which I like as they create up to three more meals. Guests for dinner are amazed at what I can produce in such a tiny kitchen! Our dining room consists of a table and a double seat on each side. The table can also be removed and made into a bed for an extra guest. That hardly ever happens but when the kids come along with us, we can accommodate them. That’s fun! Across from the dining table is the living room couch. It also can fold down and be made into a bed. We put all this to use when we took the motor home up to Wyoming to view the upcoming eclipse. Sonny’s stepson came up with his two kids and all three slept in our living/dining room! That was great fun and created another memory to cherish. And since we both have businesses to attend to, our “offices” are on each side of the dining table with our computers set up between meals. Our bedroom sports a queen-sized bed with closets lining one wall and cupboards overhead for storage. It has a privacy door which is used when we have overnight company and also each morning when I get up early and Sonny wants to sleep in. Guess what-- that happens almost every morning! The bathroom is a marvel. The shower is three-sided and is fine as long as you don’t need to stick both arms out to the sides. It has everything else that a bathroom needs, except space. And I guess we just don’t expect that here! Underneath the motor home is storage space. Almost more space than we can use. Our motor home has two “sliders” which pull out to give us even more room. Hooray! When we park the motor home at an RV resort, we hook up to the facilities – water, electricity, and sewer. If we are traveling and we can’t find an RV resort, we have to “dry camp” for a night. That means we can use our existing water from the tank, use battery power, and use the toilet facilities sparingly. We never dry camp for more than one night at a time. When we motor-homed from Longmont to the Florida Keys (two months), we had to find an RV resort each night. That meant we had to hook up the water, electricity, and sewer every night and unhook them the next morning. And when you factor in the fact that we were pulling a car, that had to be unhooked every night so we could enjoy the sightseeing in the area, and hooked up again the next morning, well, thankfully, Sonny took care of all that. Summary: Living in a motorhome is an experience. It means seeing new places, meeting new people, having new adventures, and enjoying life. Besides, Arizona is filled with hundreds of interesting things to see and places to visit. What more could we want? Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. My life is full of fun stories … truly, an Overcoming All Odds life I have led … and I’m ready to share it with you. Grab your copy today! https://bit.ly/OvercomingAllOdds Carol Ann Wilson Overcoming All Odds caroann@carolannwilson.com www.carolannwilson.com 720-600-5134