Years ago, my hiking partner, Kamilla, and I were staying at a cabin near Fraser, Colorado and hiking in the surrounding area. We came across a sign indicating The Colorado Trail. We hiked along that trail for some time and were entranced with the beauty of the mountains and wildlife around us.
We went to the Visitor’s Center in Fraser and found that the Colorado Trail went from Denver to Durango across the wilderness of Colorado, across the Continental Divide. We were excited to think about hiking this entire trail and decided to complete the whole trail within five years.
We purchased the maps and we were on our way. We would plan a weekend to complete somewhere between 15 to 25 miles. We would take both cars, park one at each end, and set up camp in the middle.
We would hike downhill to a creek, cross the creek, and climb up the other side to the top of a mountain where the view was amazing. It was very physical and sometimes hard, but the reward was being in solitude with our Maker and feeling oh, so spiritual!
We talked and talked and sometimes took a time out to hike in silence. That was powerful.
Our campsite was usually within the trees. We would set up our tent and arrange our cooking stove. We took turns bringing the dinner. In the morning, we rolled out of our sleeping bags and cooked breakfast – no fast food for us! One of my favorites was pancakes infused with granola and mandarin oranges.
After three days of wilderness, we would come home eagerly awaiting our next trip! It would remind me of one of my favorite sayings:
Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because if you do it today and you like it, then you can do it again tomorrow!
Carol Ann Wilson
Overcoming All Odds